
  • 网络the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawa; Universal cash saving and withdrawing; the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are



the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawa

... 通存通兑 the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are processed at any branch bank 通货紧缩 deflation ...

Universal cash saving and withdrawing

通存通兑Universal cash saving and withdrawing)是指某一个银行在某一个范围内(全国、省或县市),一个服务网点(储 …

the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are

... 通票 through ticket 通存通兑 the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are 通关 be cleared by the customs ...

To make an automatic banking.

金融英语阅读:活期支票存款 ... 4.To make an automatic banking. 4、通存通兑。 I.Definition 一、定义 ...

the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are processed

interbank deposit and withdrawal

Financ... ... personal call deposit 个人通知存款 interbank deposit and withdrawal 通存通兑 education deposit 教育储蓄存款 ...
