
  • n.procedure of arbitration
  • 网络arbitration procedure; arbitration proceedings; arbitral procedure



arbitration procedure

常用英语单词和词组大全 ... Arbitration Clause 仲裁条款 Arbitration Procedure 仲裁程序 Arbitration 仲裁 ...

arbitration proceedings

电讯管理局常用词汇 - 豆丁网 ... arbitration mechanism 仲裁机制 arbitration proceedings 仲裁程序 Arbitrator 仲裁员 ...

arbitral procedure

英语法律词汇 ... Arbitral division 仲裁裁决 Arbitral procedure 仲裁程序 Arbitral proceedings 仲裁程序 ...

arbitral proceedings

英语法律词汇 ... Arbitral procedure 仲裁程序 Arbitral proceedings 仲裁程序 Arbitral rules of procedure 仲裁程序规则 ...

procedure of arbitration

航海及海运专业英语词汇(P6) ... Procedure of Administrative Execution 行政执法程序 procedure of arbitration 仲裁程序 ...

Arbitral Proceeding

( 二 ) 仲裁协议的作用三,仲裁程序Arbitral Proceeding)1,仲裁申请2,仲裁庭的组成3,仲裁审理4,仲裁裁决四,仲裁裁决的承 …

Arbitration process

而透过汇流排主控功能,PCI 介面卡可透过仲裁程序 (Arbitration process) 衔接 PCI 汇流排,并直接主控汇流排的传输状态;此 …

Chapter IV Arbitration Procedure

Arbitration... ... Chapter III Arbitration Agreement 第三章 仲裁协议 Chapter IV Arbitration Procedure 第四章 仲裁程序 ...
