
  • 网络Investment Income; capital gains; Investment revenue



Investment Income

  ◆ 投资收入Investment Income):若外国投资者购买不动产后没有亲自参与管理,只是定时收租,此租金收入则视为投资收 …

capital gains

5月12日... ... 32 taxable amount of dividends( 分红收入) 21 capital gains( 投资收入) 14 total benefit paid( 所有福利所得) ...

Investment revenue

CFP T2 worksheet Client ... 投资收入 8090 Investment revenue 分红收入 8095 Divident income ...

Gain on investments

香港会计科目 - AC会计通 ... 退税收入 Tax refunds income 投资收入 Gain on investments 其他收入 Other non-operating incom…

Unearned income

...规则﹕1)如果你14岁以下的子女有超过$1500的投资收入(Unearned income)﹐那麽收入超过$1500的部分应交的税款将要按 …

passive income

“第二:投资收入(Passive Income),即多用以投资资产、藉以提高财富,由于政府某些政策鼓励人民投资,有些资产投资所获 …

Investment earned

三、会计科... ... 4200非营业收入( Non-operating revenues) 4201投资收入Investment earned) 4202利息收入( Interest …

Earnings from investment in

... 403 _____services revenue xx 服务收入 408 Earnings from investment in _____ 投资收入 502 Cost of Goods sold 销货成本 ...
