
  • 网络expression of ideas; Expressing Thoughts; express oneself



expression of ideas

...ranslationese) 第 十 章 语言如何表达思想expression of ideas) 第十一章 汉英语法对比(grammatical comparison) 第 …

Expressing Thoughts

《新航道·... ... 99. Suggestions and Requests 建议与要求 394 100. Expressing Thoughts 表达思想 398 Talking About People …

express oneself

高三英语第一轮复习教案SBI Units 11-12... ... 6.play the guitar 谈吉他 7.express oneself 表达思想 8.along with 一道 ...

express thoughts

20130225英语名句... ... distract sb's thought 使某人分心 express thoughts 表达思想 gather one's thoughts 集中思想 ...

express one's thought

Unit 21... ... 1. express vt. (以言语、表情)表达……,叙述…… , ★ express one's thought 表达思想 ★ vary vt. & vi. 变化, …

express the thought

... 1.守株待兔 wait for windfalls 2.表达思想 express the thought 3.有他们自己的道理 They have their own principles ...

