
  • un.socialist legal system
  • 网络socialist rule of law; The Socialist Legal System; sociaaccount rule of law



socialist legal system

在线英语词典,英文翻译,科... ... 摄政: regency 社会主义法制socialist legal system 社会主义法学: socialist jurisprudence ...

socialist rule of law

... 社会主义法学 socialist jurisprudence 社会主义法制 socialist legal system;socialist rule of law 神法 divine law ...

The Socialist Legal System

口译词汇—中国政治 -... ... 社会主义法制 The Socialist Legal System 政府决策 The Decision-making of the Government ...

sociaaccount rule of law

... thr rule of law 法治 sociaaccount rule of law 社会主义法制 the rule of law 法治 ; 法的统治 ; 法律的统治 ; 法律支配 ...
