
  • 网络rule of li; rule of rites; the rule of rites



rule of li

...他觉得成文法典只会招致人们欺骗和逃避法律,他提倡“礼治”(rule of li),这一词语在英语中没有对应的词汇,但分别包含 …

rule of rites

...礼而治”(rule by rites)而试图臻于“礼治”(rule of rites )的社会机制过程又反过来把人们的行为甚至思想程式化,从而使这种程 …

the rule of rites

什么意思_英语the_of_rites在线翻译... ... The Record of Rites 礼记 the rule of rites 礼治 the boards of rites 礼部 ...

the rule of the rites

什么意思_英语the_of... ... The Conveyance of Rites 运送礼记 the rule of the rites 礼治 The Rites of Zhou 成书年代 ...

the operation of government through social institutions

... ◎ 礼治[ the operation of government through social institutions; rule of the rites] ◎ 礼记[ Li Ji(Book of Rites)] ...

rule by etiquette

以礼自治,self-governance by... ... ) rule of courtesy 礼治 ) rule by etiquette 礼治 ) self-governance by rite 以礼自治 ...

rule of courtesy

以礼自治,self... ... ) manage learning with etiquette 以礼治学 ) rule of courtesy 礼治 ) rule by etiquette 礼治 ...
