
  • na.theory of original goodness of human nature
  • 网络Theory of original goodness of human nature; born good; doctrine of good human nature



Theory of original goodness of human nature

性善论,Theory of... ... ) Theory of original goodness of human nature 性善论 ) original goodness of human nature 性善论 ...

born good

1.不同於Frued(弗洛伊德)主张「性恶论」,Piaget主张「性善论」(born good),所以Piaget也「絶非」是认为人出生是一块白 …

doctrine of good human nature

... doctrine of formal discipline 形式训练说 doctrine of good human nature 性善论 doctrine of interest 兴趣主义兴趣主义 ...

good human-nature theory

Is human nature&... ... 3. The Nature of Morality 道德性 who came up with the "good human-nature theory 性善论

Virtuous humanity thought

性善论,Theory of original goodness of... ... ) Virtuous humanity thought 性善论 ) human affections 性善情恶论性善情恶论 ...

the theory that man is kind-hearted by nature

性善论,Theory of... ... ) the theory that man is kind-hearted by nature 性善论 ) Virtuous humanity thought 性善论 ...

man is born with good nature

3.3.3 性善论(man is born with good nature) and Original Sin47-48 3.3.4 Favor bestowed and retribution48-49 3.4 Comparison ...

