
美 [faɪnd]英 [faɪnd]
  • v.找到;找出;认为;感到
  • n.发现物
  • 网络查明;发现陨石;北欧菜

过去式:found 第三人称单数:finds 现在分词:finding



v. n.

偶然by chance

1.[t](意外或偶然地)发现,碰到to discover sb/sth unexpectedly or by chance

通过搜寻by searching

2.[t]找到;找回to get back sth/sb that was lost after searching for it/them

通过研究╱思考by studying/thinking

3.[t](经寻找、研究或思考)发现,查明,找出,求得to discover sth/sb by searching, studying or thinking carefully

通过体验╱试验by experience/testing

4.[t]发现(某事属实)to discover that sth is true after you have tried it, tested it or experienced it

有意见╱看法have opinion/feeling

5.[t]认为;感到to have a particular feeling or opinion about sth

现有;使现有have/make available

6.[t]~ sth现有(可用)to have sth available so that you can use it

处于意外状况in unexpected situations

7.[t](尤指意外地)发现,发觉(处于某状态、在做某事)to discover sb/sth/yourself doing sth or in a particular situation, especially when this is unexpected


8.[t]~ sth自然到达;达到to arrive at sth naturally; to reach sth


9.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.(在某处)存在,生长used to say that sth exists, grows, etc. somewhere

法庭in court

10.[t][i]裁决;判决to make a particular decision in a court case


all found

(工资外)加免费食宿with free food and accommodation in addition to your wages

find fault (with sb/sth)

找茬儿;挑错;挑剔;抱怨to look for and discover mistakes in sb/sth; to complain about sb/sth

find your feet

已能独立而有信心地工作;已适应新环境to become able to act independently and with confidence

find it in your heart/yourself to do sth

能做某事;愿意干某事to be able or willing to do sth

find your voice/tongue

能说出自己的看法;能表达自己的意见to be able to speak or express your opinion

find your way (to…)

找到正确的路(去某处)to discover the right route (to a place)

find your/its way (to/into…)

偶然来到;无意中处于to come to a place or a situation by chance or without intending to

take sb as you find them

接受某人的现状;承认某人的情况(别无指望)to accept sb as they are without expecting them to behave in a special way or have special qualities


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《Friends》词汇表A ... finds vt. 找到, 发现, 感到, 查明, 得到, 认为, 见到...的存在 disbelief n. 怀疑 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... finds vt. 找到, 发现, 感到, 查明, 得到, 认为, 见到...的存在 disbelief n. 怀疑 ...




main ... Santorin (意大利菜) FINDS 北欧菜 Reuben 三文治 ...


餐厅百科 ... DUM PUKHT 餐 FINDS 北欧餐厅 Le Tobsil 餐 ...
