- n.线;线路;直线;路线
- v.排队;衬里;填塞;交尾
- 网络线条;行;连我
复数:lines 现在分词:lining 过去式:lined

线long thin mark
1.[c]线;线条a long thin mark on a surface
2.[c]界线;(尤指运动场地的)场地线,场界a long thin mark on the ground to show the limit or border of sth, especially of a playing area in some sports
3.[c]皱纹;褶子a mark like a line on sb's skin that people usually get as they get older
4.[c]分界线;边界线an imaginary limit or border between one place or thing and another
5.[c](思想或行为的)界限,界线the division between one area of thought or behaviour and another
6.[c]边线;轮廓线;形体;形状the edge, outline or shape of sb/sth
人或物的行列row of people/things
7.[c]排;行;列a row of people or things next to each other or behind each other
8.[c](人)队伍,行列a queue of people
10.[c][ususing]按时间顺序排列的人(或物、事件);家系;家族a series of people, things or events that follow one another in time
11.[c][ususing]一系列按重要性排列的人a series of people in order of importance
12.[c]字行;便条;留言条;歌词;诗行a row of words on a page or the empty space where they can be written; the words of a song or poem
13.[c](戏剧或电影的)台词,对白the words spoken by an actor in a play or film/movie
15.[c](informal)(尤指为达到某种目的说的)话,言语a remark, especially when sb says it to achieve a particular purpose
16.[c]一段绳(或索、线等)a long piece of rope, thread, etc., especially when it is used for a particular purpose
18.[c]电话线路;电话号码a telephone connection; a particular telephone number
19.[c]轨道;铁道;(铁路的)段,线路a railway/railroad track; a section of a railway/railroad system
20.[c][ususing](行进的)方向,路线;方位the direction that sb/sth is moving or located in
21.[c]路线;路径;渠道a route from one place to another especially when it is used for a particular purpose
22.[c][ususing](尤指公开表明的)态度,看法an attitude or a belief, especially one that sb states publicly
23.[c]方法;方式a method or way of doing or thinking about sth
24.[sing]行业;活动的范围a type or area of business, activity or interest
25.[c]种类;类型a type of product
26.[c]运输公司;航运公司a company that provides transport for people or goods
27.[c]防线;前线;战线a row or series of military defences where the soldiers are fighting during a war
along/down the line
在某一环节;在某一时刻at some point during an activity or a process
along/on (the)… lines
按…方式in the way that is mentioned
be, come, etc. on line
正运转;在运行to be working or functioning
bring sb/sth, come, get, fall, etc. into line (with sb/sth)
使一致;使规范;使符合;(和…)一致to behave or make sb/sth behave in the same way as other people or how they should behave
in (a) line (with sth)
(与…)成一排,成一直线in a position that forms a straight line with sth
in line for sth
有可能获得某物likely to get sth
in the line of duty
在执行任务时;在履行职责时while doing a job
in line with sth
与…相似(或紧密相连)similar to sth or so that one thing is closely connected with another
lay it on the line
坦率地说;实话实说to tell sb clearly what you think, especially when they will not like what you say
(choose, follow, take, etc.) the line of least resistance
(采取)最省事的方法(to choose, etc.) the easiest way of doing sth
(put sth) on the line
冒风险at risk
out of line (with sb/sth)
不成直线not forming a straight line
walk/tread a fine/thin line
处于困境(或险境);如履薄冰;走钢丝to be in a difficult or dangerous situation where you could easily make a mistake