- n.休假;假期;许可;准许;休假;假期;同意;【台】(前一人击球后)遗留下来的球的位置
- v.脱离;退出;辞去;遗弃;遗留;委托;遗弃;丢弃
- 网络离开;离家;离别

1.[i][t]离开(某人或某处)to go away from a person or a place
2.[i][t]离开居住地点(或群体、工作单位等)to stop living at a place, belonging to a group, working for an employer, etc.
3.[t]~ sb (for sb)遗弃;丢弃to leave your wife, husband or partner permanently
以后要做的事sth to do later
4.[t]不立刻做;不马上处理to not do sth or deal with sth immediately
处于某种状态;在某地方sb/sth in condition/place
5.[t]使保留,让…处于(某种状态、某地等)to make or allow sb/sth to remain in a particular condition, place, etc.
6.[t]使发生;造成,使留下为(某种结果)to make sth happen or remain as a result
7.[t]留下备用(或销售等)to remain to be used, sold, etc.
8.[t]忘了带;丢下to go away from a place without taking sth/sb with you
9.[t]~ sth剩余;余下to have a particular amount remaining
死后after death
10.[t]~ sb遗下(家人)to have family remaining after your death
11.[t](去世时)遗赠,遗留to give sth to sb when you die
留给某人的责任responsibility to sb
12.[t]把…留交;交托;委托to allow sb to take care of sth
13.[t]递送;递交;投递to deliver sth and then go away
大多数含 leave 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 leave sb in the lurch 在词条 lurch 下。Most idioms containingleave are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampleleave sb in the lurch is atlurch .
leave go (of sth)
松手;撒手;放开to stop holding on to sth
leave it at that
别再说了;到此为止;就这样算了to say or do nothing more about sth
leave it out
(让人停止做某事)行啦,就这样吧used to tell sb to stop doing sth