
  • na.have grandiose aims but puny abilities
  • 网络bite off more than one can chew; Attracted me; To have grandiose aims but puny abilities



bite off more than one can chew

英文成... ... behind schedule 进度落后 bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂 (引申)眼高手低 bite the bullet 咬紧牙关 ...

Attracted me

...逐”对现下(Holds many lessons)眼高手低(Attracted me)的北京国安来说太难了.多年来因外界作对招致自己心态(Mentality)不 …

To have grandiose aims but puny abilities

经典名句② ... 63. 眼高手低To have grandiose aims but puny abilities. 64. 眼见为实。 Seeing is believing. ...

to have high standards but little ability

To standardize in Chinese,... ... to have high standards but little ability 眼高手低 to lower the standard 降格 ...

fastidious and demanding but inept

... 扶摇直上ㄈㄨˊㄧㄠˊ to rise rapidly;to skyrocket 眼高手低 fastidious and demanding but inept 韧性ㄖㄣˋ toughness;tenacity ...


a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... bisn 贝壳 bisr 眼高手低 bitk 不言而喻 ...

have high standard but little ability

蓝莲花的网络日志 ... 白手起家 start from scratch 眼高手低 have high standard but little ability ...
