
  • na.heal the wounded and rescue the dying
  • 网络healing the sick and saving the dying; to heal the wounded and rescue the dying; Saved



heal the wounded and rescue the dying

英语翻译技巧方法 ... 5)你我他: you,he and I 6)救死扶伤heal the wounded and rescue the dying 酸辣汤: hot and sou…

healing the sick and saving the dying

高级口译教... ... 药典 pharmacopoeia 救死扶伤 healing the sick and saving the dying 职业道德规范 professional work ethic ...

to heal the wounded and rescue the dying

必备词组(3)_写作王子_新浪博客 ... 1. duty and obligation 责任与义务 2. to heal the wounded and rescue the dying 救死扶伤 ...

heal the wounded,rescue the dying

新浪教育_新浪网 ... contradiction between ourselves and enemy 敌我矛盾 heal the wounded,rescue the dying 救死扶伤 ...


天涯小筑-已结束的电视剧集索引 ... Samantha Who? 第二人生 Saved 救死扶伤 Saving Grace 格蕾丝的救赎[专题] ...

Take care of the wounded and the dying

to heal the sick and save the dying

《中级口译... ... 药典: pharmacopoeia 救死扶伤to heal the sick and save the dying 职业道德规范: professional work ethic…


a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... qddz 切题 qdfr 救死扶伤 qdfv 切换 ...

Their duty is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.
