
  • n.road toll
  • 网络toll charge; road maintenance costs; road preset maintenance fee



road toll

口译词汇大全 - 英语专业 考研论坛 ... 养老金 pension 养路费 road toll 沿海经济开发区 open coastal economic area ...

toll charge

take charge of的翻译中文意思... ... thermal charge 热荷, 熵 toll charge 通行税, 道路税, 养路费 top charge 炉顶装料式 ...

road maintenance costs

译网情深 - 打印文章 - ... risk cost 风险成本 road maintenance costs 养路费 roofing cost 屋面工程造价 ...

road preset maintenance fee

公共外语教学部 ... 养老金 pension 养路费 road toll;road preset maintenance fee 羊肉串小摊 barbecue stall ...

Road tax

请将附件文件翻成中文。多谢!急_爱问知识人 ... Tax 税 - Road tax 养路费 - Stamp duty 印花税 ...

highway maintenance fee

... 现有公路 Existing highway 养路费 Highway maintenance fee 可行性研究 Feasibility study ...

toll maintenance fee

常用会计英语... ... 660217 管理费 administrative fee 660218 养路费 toll maintenance fee 660220 洗车费 car washing fee ...

road maintaining fee

会计翻译 - 豆丁网 ... 办公家私 furnishings 150103 养路费 road maintaining fee 150104 装修费 fit up fee 150199 ...

keep a car, have to pay road maintenance fees and other costs (road maintenance, etc. ), toll roads.
