
  • na.the rule by man; rule of man
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rule of man

(1)关于“人治”(RULE OF MAN)。最优良政体的变态是最恶劣的政体。

The Rule of Man

古往今来,人治The Rule of Man)是专制社会的通病之一。三千多年来,中国人一直盼望着有好皇帝来治理他们。

rule of men

  “法治”通常相对于“人治 (rule of men)”而言,宜译作“rule of law”。   “法制” 的涵义,视具体情况而定。

rule by men

在这样的人治rule by men)社会里,公权力的行使大多是为了满足统治者的个人私欲,以遂行其严密控制的政治目的。从而 …

rule by law

人治的法律不过是统治者手中任意拨弄的工具。人的权威在法之上,是为人治rule by law);法的权威在人之上,是为法治(r…

rule by man

invisible man_翻译 ... 天人: Heaven and Man 人治rule by man 自然人: Nature man ...

rule by people

人治主义,connotation that man controls... ... ) rule of men 人治 ) rule by people 人治 ) Rule by men 人治 ...

the rule of men

...法治”(the rule of law),用来与“人治”(the rule of men)相对应。...
