
  • na.Efficiency comes from diligence.
  • 网络have a good command of through diligent study; Excellence in work is possible only with diligence.; practice makes perfect



have a good command of through diligent study

什么是“业”?_百度知道 ... 业经[ already] 业精于勤[ have a good command of through diligent study] 业师[ teacher] ...

Excellence in work is possible only with diligence.

英文英文2 ... •柔情似水 tender and soft as water. •业精于勤 Excellence in work is possible only with diligence. ...

Efficiency comes from diligence.

油然而生... ... edutainment 寓教于乐 Efficiency comes from diligence. 业精于勤。 efficient service 方便客商 ...

practice makes perfect

英汉词汇互译方法--绿风 ... to end in smoke 烟消云散 practice makes perfect 业精于勤 wait-and-see attitude 观望态度 ...


关于合购依视路和蔡司镜片的效果比较... ... CHHHOH( 甲醇·眼镜弟|一支烟的诱惑) seafire( 业精于勤) shenmue( 开心网还没倒 …

Mastery of work comes from diligent application.

mastery是什么意思... ... pedagogical mastery 教育技巧[艺术] Mastery of work comes from diligent application. 业精于勤。 ...

Quality and perfection through diligence

学习... ... 欺人自欺。 You only cheat yourself when you cheat others. 业精于勤Quality and perfection through diligence. ...

Professional expertise comes from dilligence

...  4、Professional expertise comes from dilligence. 业精于勤。  5、One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 ...
