
  • na.study and relish the beauties of literature
  • 网络to study and relish the beauties of literature; Appreciating gems of the language; to savor fine writing



to study and relish the beauties of literature

含,含字的解释,查字典 ... 含英咀华[ to study and relish the beauties of literature] 含油层[ oil-bearing formation] ...

Appreciating gems of the language

...汇、结构练习等准则精华,又有所创新与突破,如新增“含英咀华”(Appreciating gems of the language)和“译写练习”(Trans…

to savor fine writing

华 - Pin1yin1.com ... 海外华人 海外华人 overseas Chinese 含英咀华 含英咀华 to savor fine writing 豪华 豪华 luxurious ...

Eat this Book by Eugene Peterson

含英咀华》(Eat this Book by Eugene Peterson)“文学能够表现生命的意义:没有意义的作品不是文学。
