
  • 网络preventive works; protective construction; protection engineering



preventive works

英文词汇-建筑词汇表-专业词汇... ... preventive maintenance 预防性维修;预防性保养 preventive works 防护工程;预防工作 ...

protective construction

cover中文 ... front cover 前盖; 面盖 protective construction 防护工程 protective fence 防护围栏... ...

protection engineering

城市用地... ... 2.0.3 土石方平衡 equal of cut and fill 2.0.4 防护工程 protection engineering 2.0.5 护坡 slope protection ...

protective works

英文词... ... protective fence 防护围栏 protective works 防护工程 Provision for Maintenance and Repairs 维修及修理备付金 ...

protective engineering

铁路工程词汇中英对照翻译 ... ... 路基防护 subgrade protection 防护工程 protective engineering 防护林 protection forest ...

protection works

南宁市园林管理局 ... 2.1.22 侵蚀基面 erosion basis 2.1.23 防护工程 protection works 2.1.24 控导工程 river control works ...

Protect Project

北京武警第二医院 -... ... 隔离病房 Isolation ward 防护工程 Protect Project 实验室 Laboratory ...

Protection project
