
  • na.go into action without delay
  • 网络to respond instantly; respond immediately; to act at once on hearing the news



to respond instantly

Responder... ... to respond in singing 和 to respond instantly 闻风而动; 闻风而动 to respond to a call 应召; 应召 ...

respond immediately

风的英文翻译,风用英语怎么说 - n词酷汉英词典 ... 风度 bearing 闻风而动 respond immediately 风言风语 gossip ...

to act at once on hearing the news

一跃而起... ... 网站跃点 site hop 闻风而动 to act at once on hearing the news;to respond instantly 喜跃 to jump for joy ...


a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... mjsz 极洲 mjte 闻风而动 mjto 机场 ...

react with a movement

Chinese IV Honors Semester 1 Superquizlet... ... 大杀风景 very disjointing 闻风而动 react with a movement 形容词 adj ...
