
  • 网络History of Jin; shih; Jien Shu



History of Jin

金史》(History of Jin)为元朝脱脱等撰之纪传体金代史,共135卷。包括本纪19卷、志39卷、表4卷、列传71卷,记述了从 …


Wu-t'ai Shan... ... ,Chung-chou chi《 中州集》, ,et al.,Chin-shih金史》, ,et al.,Ta-ming i-t'ung chih《 大明一统志》, ...

Jien Shu

东方经典下载区 ... 辽史 Liao Shu 金史 Jien Shu 宋史 Song Shu ...

The history of the Jin Dynasty

——. Jinshi 金史 (The history of the Jin Dynasty). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1975.

the Jin History

Tuo Tuo 脱脱, Ouyang Xuan 欧阳玄, He Weiyi 贺惟一, et al., eds (1975) Jinshi 金史 (the Jin History), Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju.

The history of the Jin

...el picked up by Jin shi 《金史》 (The history of the Jin) and all subsequent records.

Empror Family History

..." - proven by script of "金史" (Empror Family History) or scripts left by Song Dynasty.
