
  • 网络History of Yuan; History of Yuan Dynasty; Yuan Shu



History of Yuan

元史》(History of Yuan)是明朝的宋濂等奉命编撰的纪传体史书,共210卷,有本纪47卷,志58卷,表8卷,列传97卷。二 …

History of Yuan Dynasty

元史续... ... ) historiographic metafiction 历史编纂元小说 ) History of Yuan Dynasty 元史 ) Continue the History 延续历史 ...

Yuan Shu

东方经典下载区 ... 宋濂 Song Lian 元史 Yuan Shu 张廷玉 Chang Ting Yu ...

The history of the Yuan Dynasty

Yuanshi 元史 (The history of the Yuan Dynasty). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1976.

History of the Yuan Dyansty

Yuanshi 元史 (History of the Yuan Dyansty). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1975.
