
  • na.supplement a budget
  • 网络additional budget; supplementary budget; additional budget allocation



additional budget

石油词汇英语翻译A_在线英语词典 ... additional bit 附加位 additional budget 追加预算 additional condition 附加条件 ...

supplementary budget

会计词汇E ... supplementary appropriation 追加拨款 supplementary budget 追加预算 supplementary capital 附加资本 ...

additional budget allocation

英语单词查询 ... additional budget 追加预算 additional budget allocation 追加预算 additional burner 辅助燃烧器 ...

extra budget

2 - 台湾法律资讯中心 ... 逃漏税款 tax evasion 追加预算 extra budget 追诉时效 limitation period of prosecution ...

budget amendment

BEC商务词汇详细解... ... tariff amendment 运价表订正单 budget amendment 追加预算 amendment of a contract 修改合同 ...

supplement a budget

考研英语作文写... ... (53)专卖店 franchised store (54)追加预算 supplement a budget (55)外向型经济 export-oriented economy ...

supplementing a budget

4 ... 2 追加税 additional tax 3 追加预算 supplementing a budget 5 追索权 recourse ...
