
  • n.shipping contract
  • 网络contract of affreightment; Cargo Carriage Contract; Cargo Carriage Contracts



contract of affreightment

...人或船东订立运输合同之场合,此种运输合同称之为海上货运合同contract of affreightment)。

shipping contract

航海及海运词汇大全 - 豆丁网 ... shipping container 海运集装箱 shipping contract 货运合同 shipping country 海运国 ...

Cargo Carriage Contract

【Summary】合同用语 ... Passenger Carriage Contract 客运合同 Cargo Carriage Contract 货运合同 Technology Contract 技 …

Cargo Carriage Contracts

货运合同Cargo Carriage Contracts)即货物运输合同,是指当事人为完成一定数量的货运任务,约定承运人使用约定的运输 …

cargo contract

商务培训网 ... Bunker escalation clause 燃料涨价条款 cargo contract 货运合同 Cesser clause 责任终止条款 ...

contract of carriage

第二章 合同 - shenghe_chen的日志 -... ... 运输合同,货运合同 contract of carriage 海运合同 contract of carriage by sea ...
