
  • 网络department of cerebral surgery; Neurosurgery; brain surgery



department of cerebral surgery

医院各科室的英语名称 ... out-patient department 门诊部 Department of cerebral surgery 脑外科 In-patient department 住院部 ...


西医指导门诊 ... 外 科 General Surgery 脑外科 Neurosurgery 眼 科 Ophthalmology ...

brain surgery

广州东方医院 ... 内儿科 Within the pediatric 脑外科 Brain Surgery 急诊科 Emergency DEPT ...

thoracic surgery department

医学英语 ... neurosurgery department: 神经外科 thoracic surgery department: 脑外科 registration office: 挂号处 ...

Cerebral Surgery

在线医学教育网 ... 泌尿外科( Urologic Surgery) 脑外科( Cerebral Surgery) 系统外科( Systematic Surgery) ...

neurologic surgery

疾病及健康英语词汇(I-Q) ... neuroendocrinology 神经内分泌学 neurologic surgery 脑外科 neurology 神经病 ...

department of cranial

CATTI笔译... ... 母婴传播 mother-to-child transmission 脑外科 department of cranial 内科 department of internal medicine ...

cranial surgery

新闻词汇_百度文库 ... bronchitis 气管炎 cranial surgery 脑外科 thoracic surgery 胸外科 ...
