
  • n.wearability; abradability
  • 网络abrasion resistance; wear resistance; abrasive resistance



abrasion resistance

窗帘英语术语_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... 台布: table cover 耐磨性abrasion resistance 透气性: breathabiltiy ...

wear resistance

电器电子词汇英语翻译(U-Z) ... weak focusing 弱聚焦 wear resistance 耐磨性 wear test 磨损试验 ...

abrasive resistance

清风润雨 - 平淡人生 - 网易博客 ... Abrasive powder 研磨粉 Abrasive resistance 耐磨性 Abrasive stick 油石、磨条 ...


纸业专业英语词汇翻译(W1) ... wear teat 磨损试验 wearability 耐磨性 weather proof 抗风化 ...

resistance to abrasion

机械词汇的英语翻译 ... resistance thermometer 电阻温度计 resistance to abrasion 耐磨性 resistance to acid 耐酸性 ...

abrasion resistant

电梯专业英语 - 豆丁网 ... abrasion 磨损 abrasion resistant 耐磨性 abrasive cloth 砂布 ...

resistance to wear

机械词汇的英语翻译--打印文章 ... resistance to vibration 耐振性 resistance to wear 耐磨性 resistance welding 电阻焊接 ...

wear resistant

英语的wear的用法_百度知道 ... wear and tear n. 磨损 wear resistant 耐磨的;耐磨性 wear in 磨合 ...
