
  • na.customs clearance; clear a port
  • 网络clearance through customs; Clearance of Goods; clear customs



customs clearance

International trade terms ... customs liquidation 清关 customs clearance 结关 trade partner 贸易伙伴 ...

clearance through customs

FIDIC... ... 许可、执照或批准 permits,licences or approvals 结关 clearance through customs 运离现场 removed from the Site ...

Clearance of Goods

常用外贸缩语 -... ... Clean Bill of Lading 清洁提单 Clearance of Goods 结关 CLP container load plan 集装箱装箱单 ...

clear customs

第四章课件_caozuping123... ... 74、pass the ship's rail, 越过船舷 75、clear customs结关,清关 76、customs duties, 关 …

cle-arance clearance

快速突破英语,其可... ... cle-ar clear adj. 清楚的,明确的 cle-arance clearance n. 结关 cle-arly clearly adv. 清晰地,无疑地 ...

cut off

海关结单英语术语~~~急 谢谢_百度知道 ... 集装箱- container 结关cut off 库存管理- stock manager ...
