
  • 网络Tax Return; tax declaration; Tax Returns



Tax Return

纳税申报Tax Return) [编辑] 纳税申报定义 纳税申报违章处罚 页面分类: 税收术语 目录 [编辑]   纳税人未按照规定的期限办理 …

tax declaration

上海上会会计师事务所 ... 税务登记 Tax registration 纳税申报 Tax declaration 涉税审计 Taxation auditing ...

Tax Returns

天津经济技术开发区管理委员会翻... ... 税收政策咨询 Taxation Policy Information 纳税申报 Tax Returns 受理注销 Cancellation ...

tax returns filing

鞍山涉外律师_新浪博客 ... Income Tax for Enterprises 企业所得税 tax returns filing 纳税申报 taxes payable 应交税金 ...

File US Taxes

...於房屋租赁(Rent an Apartment)、纳税申报(File US Taxes)、大学申请(Apply to College)及入学测试申请(Apply for Admissio…

Tax report

英汉税务名词_xuanxuanma_新浪博客 ... Administration of invoices 发票管理 Tax report 纳税申报 Tax collection 税款征收 ...

Taxation filing

财务/综合岗|摩根大通期货有限公司招聘信息... ... 5.期末结账、生成财务报表 Financial reporting 6.纳税申报 Taxation filing ...

Tax payment declaration

注会《税法》英语词汇... ... Withholding agent 扣缴义务人 Tax payment declaration 纳税申报 Withholding declaration 扣缴申报 ...
