
  • n.red bone marrow; cellular marrow
  • 网络red marrow; Medulla ossium rubra; red blood marrow



red bone marrow

红骨髓Red bone marrow)有造血功能,含有大量不同发育阶段的红细胞和其它幼稚型的血细胞;黄骨髓(Yellow bone marr…

red marrow

医学专业英语_百度文库 ... 骨髓腔 marrow cavity; 红骨髓 red marrow; 软骨内骨化 endochondral ossification; ...

Medulla ossium rubra

人体解刨翻译M-7... ... 胶骨髓 Medulla ossium gelatinosa 红骨髓 Medulla ossium rubra 脊髓 Medulla spinalis ...

red blood marrow

e. 主要由长骨的红骨髓red blood marrow)制造,如四肢的骨骼、辅以肋骨(rib) 及脊柱(Vertebrae)等,此过程需要铁质f. 不能 …

medulla ossium rubrum

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在... ... 淋巴结髓质 medulla of oymph gland 红骨髓 medulla ossium rubrum 卵巢髓质 medulla ova…


See Bone Marrow 红骨髓(Erythroblast)有核红细胞 [ 生物 ] What is the function of Red blood cell? [ 会考 ] red blood cell (mi...

red bone mattow

... 骨松质 (concellous bone) : 红骨髓(red bone mattow) : 有造血功能。

Bone extracellular matrix material combing rhBMP2 and autologous red marrow in repair of segmental radius defects in rabbits
