
  • 网络planting density; Plant density; plant population



planting density

普雅克酒庄 Chateau... ... 植株平均年龄 AVERAGE AGE OF THE VINES 种植密度 PLANTING DENSITY 品酒记录 TASTING N…

Plant density

慕林拉菲干红 &nb... ... / Age of the vineyard/ 酒园年龄 / Plant Density/ 种植密度 / Grapes Varieties/ 葡萄种类 ...

plant population

烟草术语 第1部分:烟草栽... ... 锻苗 seedlings hardening 种植密度 stand density;plant population 早花 premature flowering ...

cropping intensity

世界性组... ... grade creep creeping inflation 缓慢而持续的通货膨胀 cropping intensity 种植密度 cropping pattern 种植格局 ...

Seeding or seedling density

植物群落的生物多样性... ... 功能群类型 Functional groups 种植密度 Seeding or seedling density 千金子 Leptochloachinensis ...
