
  • na.Bi Zheng
  • 网络Bi syndrome; bi zheng; arthralgia syndrome



Bi syndrome

痹证(Bi syndrome)是由风、寒、湿、热等引起的以肢体关节及肌肉酸痛、麻木、重着、屈伸不利,甚或关节肿大灼热等为主症 …

bi zheng

TCM-michaelSNE. The Ancient Chinese... ... beng lou 崩漏 // bi zheng 痹证// bian zheng 辨证/// ...

arthralgia syndrome

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词... ... 铅毒性关节痛 arthralgia saturnina 痹证 arthralgia syndrome 痹证 arthralgiasyndrome ...

arthragia syndrome

专业词汇在线翻译、医... ... 动脉血管 artery vessels 痹证 arthragia syndrome 寒湿久痹 arthralgia cause by cold-wetness evil ...

bi disorder

... 指证 to testify;to give evidence 痹证 bi disorder;localized pain disorder 定期存款 fixed deposit;time deposit ...

Blockage Syndromes

内科针灸治疗方法,针灸治疗内科处方,医学英语... ... Spermatorrhea( 遗精) Blockage Syndromes( 痹证) Diarrhea( 泄泻) ...
