
  • 网络dampness and heat in the large intestine; dampness and heat in the lare intestine; damp-heat in the large intestine



dampness and heat in the large intestine

... 潮地 damply 大肠湿热 dampness and heat in the large intestine 肝经湿热 dampness and heat in the liver channel ...

dampness and heat in the lare intestine

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 激后复原期 dampingperiod 大肠湿热 dampness and heat in the lare intest

damp-heat in the large intestine

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 膀胱湿热症 damp-heat in the bladder 大肠湿热 damp-heat in the large intestin

large intestinal damp-heat

专业词汇在线... ... 大医院 large hospital 大肠湿热 large intestinal damp-heat 大肠热结 large intestinal heat-accumulating ...

Large intestine damp-heat

中医词汇术语(二) ... Kidney Yin deficiency 肾阴虚 Large intestine damp-heat 大肠湿热 Large pulse 大脉 ...

dampness-heat of large intestine

CG Woordenboek ... 大肠热结 heat accumulation of large intestine 大肠湿热 dampness-heat of large intestine ...

large intestinal dampness-heat
