
  • 网络Biodiversity Loss; Loss of Bioligical Diversity; biodiversity reduction



Biodiversity Loss

环化ppt1_百度文库 ... 生物多样性减少 )生物多样性减少 Biodiversity Loss 6 水土流失 )水土流失 Soil Erosion 7 ...

Loss of Bioligical Diversity

求翻译:全球十... ... 臭氧层破坏: ozone depletion 生物多样性减少Loss of Bioligical Diversity 酸雨蔓延: Acid rain spread ...

biodiversity reduction

沪江博客... ... 1、气候变暖 The climate changes warmly 3、生物多样性减少 biodiversity reduction 4、酸雨蔓延 acid rain sprea…

dramatic Decline and Loss of Biodiversity

十大环境问... ... 全球变暖 global warming 生物多样性减少 dramatic Decline and Loss of Biodiversity 森林锐减 deforestation ...

Decrease of Biodiversity

公卫执业医师资格考试第二单元... ... 酸雨 Acid rain 生物多样性减少 Decrease of Biodiversity 臭氧层破坏 Ozonosphere destroy ...

The biodiversity reduces

帮忙找几个关于世界环境问题的英文专有名词... ... 4.生物多样性减少 The biodiversity reduces 5.森林锐减 Forest sharp decline ...
