
  • 网络Water Shortage; Water Scarcity; shortage of water resources



Water Shortage

大学生英语作文范文大全 ... 快餐- Fast Food 水资源短缺 Water Shortage 战胜自我- The Label I Wore ...

Water Scarcity

联合国秘书长警告... ... 亚太水资源峰会: Asia-Pacific Water Summit 水资源短缺water scarcity 气候变化: climate change ...

shortage of water resources

环境短语(英文)__企业博客 ... 滑坡泥石流 landslide 水资源短缺 shortage of water resources 火山爆发 eruption of volcanoes ...

the shortage of water

social problems in a city - 已解决 ... ... busy traffic 交通堵塞 the shortage of water 水资源短缺 air pollution 空气污染 ...

water resource lack

什么意思... ... Economize Water Resource 节约水资源 water resource lack 水资源短缺 China Water Resource 中国水利 ...

water resource shortage

水源性缺水,shortage of water in... ... ) water deficient dehydration 缺水性脱水 ) water resource shortage 水资源短缺 ...

Lack of Water Resource

6.3 水资源短缺(Lack of Water Resource)   地球上的淡水总量为0.36亿km 3 ,但绝大多数是冰川,可供人类使用的淡水仅占淡水 …
