
  • 网络Ru Ware; Ju ware; Rou kiln



Ru Ware

3. 宋代五大名窑:汝窑Ru Ware)官窑(Guan Ware)哥窑(Ge Ware,故宫博物院人员打碎的那个一级文物盘子即是哥窑 …

Ju ware

语国一方... ... 音译,不采对岸制订、通行世界的汉语拼音,也不用本土研发、政治正确的通用拼音。「汝窑Ju ware, 「钧 …

Rou kiln

(五) 变化的汝窑(Rou kiln):如窑号称天下第一窑,不是一成不变的,否则难以讨好在上位者。图四为一支钉满釉汝窑作品, …

Ju-ware oval dish

对照表下载_馆档网 ... 汝窑 椭圆小洗 Ju-ware oval dish 汝窑 纸槌瓶 Ju-ware vase in the shape of a paper mallet ...

Ju-ware vase in the shape of a paper mallet

对照表下载_馆档网 ... 汝窑 椭圆小洗 Ju-ware oval dish 汝窑 纸槌瓶 Ju-ware vase in the shape of a paper mallet ...

Plate with greenish-blue glaze

对照表下... ... 汝窑 青瓷盘 Plate with greenish-blue glaze 汝窑 青瓷纸槌瓶 Mallet-shaped vase in light bluish-green glaze ...

Mallet-shaped vase in light bluish-green glaze

对照表下... ... 汝窑 青瓷盘 Plate with greenish-blue glaze 汝窑 青瓷纸槌瓶 Mallet-shaped vase in light bluish-green glaze ...

Oval wash basin with greenish-blue glaze

... 汝窑 纸槌瓶 Ju-ware vase in the shape of a paper mallet 汝窑 青瓷椭圆洗 Oval wash basin with greenish-blue glaze ...
