
  • 网络Ge kiln; Ge ware; Ke yao



Ge kiln

故宫宋代瓷器损坏事件词汇-英语点津 ... IBM 打造网上“虚拟故宫” Ge kiln 哥窑 Royal Kiln 官窑 ...

Ge ware

中国水泥网--水泥字典 水泥英文 中翻英 英翻中 ... gas fired cemet kiln 烧煤气的水泥窑 Ge ware 哥窑 ...

Ke yao

哥窑,Ke... ... ) Yüeh,yao 越窑(浙江名窑) ) Ke yao 哥窑(浙江龙泉窑之一) ) Longquan kiln 龙泉窑 ...

Guo kiln

(六) 复兴的哥窑(Guo kiln):哥窑时已在南宋,「隔江尤唱后庭花」,多少会对前朝思念,反映在作品上即如下图(图五)的 …

Ko-ware censer with three legs

对照表下载... ... 古铜釉 双耳尊 Tsun vessel in imitation of Ju-ware glaze 哥窑 米色三足炉 Ko-ware censer with three legs ...

Dish with hibiscus rim in crackled glaze

对照表... ... 哥窑 青瓷葵花式盘 Dish with hibiscus rim in crackled glaze 哥釉 三足炉 Three-legged censer in Ko-ware glaze ...

Ko-ware cream-colored censer with fish handles

... 哥窑 米色三足炉 Ko-ware censer with three legs 哥窑 米色鱼耳炉 Ko-ware cream-colored censer with fish handles ...

Ko-ware cauldron-type censer in cream-yellow glaze
