
  • n.strategic storage [reserves]
  • 网络strategic reserve; strategic reserves; Strategic Petroleum Reserve



strategic reserve

reserve的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... stores reserve 材料准备 strategic reserve 【军】战略储备 sundry reserves 杂项准备 ...

strategic reserves

今日读报... ... Academy of Science and Technology 科学与技术学院 strategic reserves 战略储备 oil-bearing grains 油料作物 ...

Strategic Petroleum Reserve

以包括战略储备Strategic Petroleum Reserve)与商业储备(Commercial

strategic storage

strategic stockpiles

什么意思... ... vt. stockpiled . stockpiling 更多收起结果 strategic stockpiles 战略储备 Weapon Stockpiles 武器贮备 ...

Strategische Reserven

储备 - Deutsch... ... 储备过多 zu hohe Lagerbestände 战略储备 Strategische Reserven 最低储备金政策 Mindestreservepolitik ...

strategic stockpile

最新实用英汉国际金融词典 - MBA智库文档 ... strategic stock 战略储备 strategic stockpile 战略储备 stopgap loan 过渡性贷款 ...

strategic stock

最新实用英汉国际金融词典 -... ... stopgap borrowing 短期债务 strategic stock 战略储备 strategic stockpile 战略储备 ...
