
  • 网络physical inventory; physical holding of stock; Phys.Inv.



physical inventory

SAP字典 - MBA智库文档 ... physical deletion 实际删除 physical inventory 实际库存 physical inventory data 实际库存数据 ...

physical holding of stock

会计词汇D ... physical depreciation 实物折旧,有形损耗 physical holding of stock 实际库存 physical inventory 实物盘存 ...


SAP MM T... ... Number Assignment for Reservations 设置预订号码 Suggest Items Preed:Phys.Inv. 建议预选择项目:实际库

actual store

石油英语词汇(A2)_专业词汇_英文阅读网 ... actual state 实际状况 actual store 实际库存 actual stress 实际应力 ...

Real Stock

二、实际库存Real Stock)和虚拟库存(Virtual Stock or Future Stock)系 统中不记录各库位的产品库存数量,只记录库存变 …

Actual inventory

财务报表摘要 - 技术总结 - 道客巴巴 ... Activity ratio 周转率,业务比率 Actual inventory 实际库存 Added value tax 增值税 ...

Physical holding of the stock

物流专业英语41... ... Physical inventory 实地盘存 Physical holding of the stock 实际库存 bar code 条码;条形码 ...

actual balance

balance... ... active trade balance {n.}贸易顺差 actual balance {n.}实际库存 actual cash balance {n.}实际现金余额 ...
