
  • n.different race or nation
  • 网络variant reading; variants; By mistakes in copying



variant reading

古典文献学英汉词汇(九) ... variant pronunciation 异读 variant reading 异文 variant text,variant version 不同文本 ...


因为这节经文有异文(variants), 我也不会运用它作为最有力支持 "三位一体" 的经文. 盼望耶证的网友, 对於经文监别学有多一些 …

different race or nation

包含 文 的词语 | 常用词典 | 中华博物 ... ◆ 译文[ translated text translation ] ◆ 异文[ different race or nation ] ...

By mistakes in copying

copy-英汉词典-英中字典-速译通-解释意思... ... By mistakes in copying 异文(如因抄写错误而造成的) Carbon Copy 复写的副本 ...

same meaning expressed differently

the different... ... 词义: meaning of words 异文same meaning expressed differently 关联: pragmatic meaning of words ...

other materials

pyroelectric materials_翻译 ... 钛材: titanium materials 异文other materials 异物: Foreign materials ...

the different points

Different life forms_翻译 ... 肾损害: different dosage 异文the different points 建筑形态: forms of building ...
