
  • un.contract foreign projects
  • 网络overseas contracted engineering projects; contracted projects in other countries; foreign contracting projects



overseas contracted engineering projects

口译词汇-经... ... 董事会领导 leadership of the board of directors 对外承包工程 overseas contracted engineering projects ...

contracted projects in other countries

(电子商务 - 免费文档下载 ... contracted projects in other countries 对外承包工程 contracting party 合同当事人 ...

foreign contracting projects

CATTI口译高频词汇... ... 独家新闻 exclusive news 对外承包工程 foreign contracting projects 大致意思是 to the effect that… ...

foreign contract project

境外工程承包,abroad... ... ) overseas project contracting 对外工程承包 ) foreign contract project 对外承包工程 ...

Foreign Contracted Projects

2011-01... ... 四、关于对外经济合作 IV. On outward economic cooperation (二)对外承包工程 II. Foreign Contracted Projects ...

contract for construction overseas

... “对外承包工程contract for construction overseas; “宏观调控体系” macro eco-nomic adjustment and control system; ...

Contracted Projects

广东统计年鉴2012 ... (人) Number of Contracts Signed 对外承包工程 Contracted Projects 对外劳务合作 Labor Services ...

contract for construction projects abroad

对外承包的英... ... 对外承包工程 : foreign contracting projects 对外承包工程contract for construction projects abroad ...
