
  • na.live ammunition manoeuvres
  • 网络live ammunition drill; live-fire drill; live-fire exercise



live ammunition drill

外军观摩演习折射中国军... ... real combat: 实战 live ammunition drill实弹演习 motorized infantry division: 摩托化步兵师 ...

live ammunition manoeuvres

演习_英文_英语... ... militia drill 民兵演习 live ammunition manoeuvres 实弹演习 fire-fighting exercises 消防演习 ...

live-fire drill

新词新译系列-S 12_普特英语听力 ... 述职 duty visit 实弹演习 live-fire drill 睡眠障碍 sleep disorder ...

live-fire exercise

新闻辞汇(605-1) ... turn a blind eye to,to 视而不见 live-fire exercise 实弹演习 volunteer firefighters 义消 ...

military exercise with live ammunition

Hot words - 中国英语网... ... 118.实弹演习 military exercise with live ammunition 119.军用设施 military installation ...
