
  • 网络Learning Department; Study Department; Study Dept



Learning Department

黄昏旋律 ... 文艺部 Arts Department 学习部 Learning Department 女生部 Girls Department ...

Study Department

帮忙翻译学生会的职位,翻译成英文。... ... 实践部 Practice Department 学习部 Study Department 监察部 Supervision Departm…

Study Dept

学生会的学习部、体育部、文娱部、纪检部、保卫部... ... 秘书处- --Secretariat 学习部- --Study Dept 体育部- --P.E. Dept ...

Science & Education

Welcome to BUAA International School... ... 文艺部( Art & Culture) 学习部( Science & Education) 体育部( Sport Division) ...

Academic Affairs Department

南海国... ... 外联部( Public Relation Department) 学习部Academic Affairs Department) 生活部( Students’Life Departm…

the study department

学生会各部门怎么用英文表达?... ... 女生部 the girl department 学习部 the study department 女生部 the girl's department ...

the teaching department

学生会各部门怎么用英文... ... 女生部 the girl's department 学习部 the teaching department 秘书部 the secretary department ...

academic section

Bonus points-大学英语阅读-21英语网... ... 宣传部: publicity office 学习部: academic section 文艺部: entertainment section ...
