- na.weep in a corner and bewail one's sad fate
- 网络grieve out in the cold; weep all alone in a corner; be left to grieve in the cold

grieve out in the cold
向有几个读音,... ... 23. 向阳[ sunny;exposed to the sun] 25. 向隅而泣[ grieve out in the cold;weep all alone in a corner] ...
weep all alone in a corner
向有几个读音,... ... 23. 向阳[ sunny;exposed to the sun] 25. 向隅而泣[ grieve out in the cold;weep all alone in a corner] ...
be left to grieve in the cold
... 摩拳擦掌 roll up one's sleeves 向隅而泣 be left to grieve in the cold 不可一世 swagger like a conquering hero ...
yu ou
...乐 (wu yu ) 殷红 (yan yin ) 向隅而泣 (yu ou ) 文摘 (zhai ze ) 饮鸩止渴 (jiu zhen) 投掷 (zheng zhi ) 鳞次栉比 (jie zhi ) ...