
  • 网络agreed jurisdiction; Consensual Jurisdiction; jurisdiction by agreement



agreed jurisdiction

  协议管辖agreed jurisdiction) ,亦称合意管辖,按通说是指涉外民事诉讼的双方当事人在争议发生前或争议发生后就管辖权问 …

Consensual Jurisdiction

  (四)协议管辖(Consensual Jurisdiction)  协议管辖,又称为约定管辖、合意管辖,是指民商事诉讼的双方当事人通过达成协议, …

jurisdiction by agreement

术语索引-中国政法大学国际法学院 ... 挑选法院 forum shopping 协议管辖 jurisdiction by agreement 小型审判 Mini Trial ...

agreement of election of forum

forum的用法,例句 - 英汉翻译 - 新浪字典 ... the forum of public opinion 舆论的评判 agreement of election of forum 协议管辖 ...

agreement jurisdiction

... ) party's agreement on jurisdiction 管辖协议 ) agreement jurisdiction 协议管辖 ) jurisdiction by agreement 协议管辖 ...

Agreement On Election Of Forum

协议管辖】(Agreement On Election Of Forum) 亦称“约定管辖”、“合意管辖”。双方当事人在纠纷发生前或纠纷发生后,依 …

Contractual jurisdiction

管辖协议,pa... ... ) agreed jurisdiction 协议管辖 ) Contractual jurisdiction 协议管辖 ) Jurisdiction Agreement 管辖权协议 ...

Venue by Agreement

...以发现,当事人要么直接选择特定的仲裁机构,要么依据协议管辖Venue by Agreement)确定管辖法院。
