
  • na.turn the foul and rotten into the rare and ethereal -- turn bad into good
  • 网络The Prestige; Miraculous; make use of discarded things



The Prestige

最后,第三个步骤被称为『化腐朽为神奇』(The Prestige):幻术登场!一切开始脱离现实常轨,观众越是启动逻辑想破译魔 …


但它还能够用来当肥料用,化腐朽为神奇(Miraculous).我是没有把恒大的奇招视为猫粪的,不过趁机带过罢了,请别误会我的 …

make use of discarded things

To make the ugly beautiful

翻译词典... ... To make the ugly beautiful;to make use of discarded things 化腐朽为神奇 discarded n.报废的 ...

to make use of discarded things

翻译词典... ... To make the ugly beautiful;to make use of discarded things 化腐朽为神奇 discarded n.报废的 ...

make a silk purse out of a sow's ear

... corn silk (玉米穗的)穗丝 make a silk purse out of a sow's ear 用劣材制精品;化腐朽为神奇 raw silk 生丝;生丝织品 ...

Cake & Bakery

Food &... ... Album:France 法国 Album:Cake & Bakery( 一团面团,化腐朽为神奇) Album:Health & Wellness( 健康要素。你要 …

Something made out of nothing

化腐朽为神奇Something made out of nothing)奔驰老卡和壮狗 #--最新日志,群博日志--> #--推荐日志--> #--引用记录--> #-- …
