
  • na.the proportion of births to the population
  • 网络birth rate; fertility rate; fertility ratio



birth rate

口译词汇大全 - 英语专业 考研论坛 ... 人口学 larithmics 人口出生率 birth rate 人口过剩 overpopulation ...

fertility rate

3.10 今天终于听到老乡教授的课了 ... bottleneck 瓶颈 fertility rate 人口出生率 influx 流入 ...

the proportion of births to the population

百度词... ... ratio; 比率 the proportion of births to the population 人口出生率 lead the army against the city; 率军攻城 ...

fertility ratio

心理学专业词汇翻译辞典 - MBA智库文档 ... fertility 生殖力 fertility ratio 人口出生率 fertility regulation 出生率调整 ...


新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典专题索引(1) ... 生育力 Fecundity 人口出生率 Fertibity 封建主义 Feudalism ...

The birthrate of a population.

fertility的翻译中文意思... ... The birthrate of a population. 人口出生率 the fertility of imagination 想象力丰富 ...
