
  • na.run to and fro; run about busily
  • 网络run around here and there; dos; to hopscotch



run around here and there


中国人口臭特别普遍,为什么?_艾米_新浪博客 ... yugong( 愚公挖坑): dos( 东奔西走): ibmgoog( 美帝第52大州): ...

to hopscotch

支走 in... ... 垫支 advanced payment;to pay first 东奔西走 to hopscotch;;to bustle about 肺支原体 mycoplasma pulmonis ...

von Pontius zu Pilatus laufen

Wörter mit 西 flashcards | Quizlet ... 新西兰 Neuseeland 东奔西走 von Pontius zu Pilatus laufen 马来西亚 Malaysia ...

Tsuki ha Higashi ni Ni ha Nishi ni

推荐好... ... VALKYRIE 圆盘皇女 Tsuki ha Higashi ni Ni ha Nishi ni 东奔西走 Mahoraba Heartful days 心动的日子/我们的仙境 ...

to bustle about

支走 in... ... 垫支 advanced payment;to pay first 东奔西走 to hopscotch;;to bustle about 肺支原体 mycoplasma pulmonis ...

living at unsettled life
