- adj.充满;弥漫;厚的;粗的
- n.最厚[粗]的部分;〈口〉笨蛋;〈俚〉可可粉
- adv.厚厚地
比较级:thicker 最高级:thickest

厚度distance between sides
1.厚的;粗的having a larger distance between opposite sides or surfaces than other similar objects or than normal
2.(询问或说明厚度)有…厚used to ask about or state the distance between opposite sides or surfaces
3.浓密的;稠密的;茂密的growing closely together in large numbers
4.浓的;黏稠的not flowing very easily
5.能见度低的;浓的;阴霾的;浑浊的;不透气的difficult to see through; difficult to breathe in
大量with large number/amount
6.~ with sb/sth拥满;挤满;充满;弥漫having a large number of people or a large amount of sth in one place
7.(informal)迟钝的;愚笨的slow to learn or understand things
8.浓重的;明显的easily recognized as being from a particular country or area
9.~ (with sth)嘶哑的,不清的(尤指因疾病或激动所致)deep and not as clear as normal, especially because of illness or emotion
友好friendly with sb
10.(informal)~ (with sb)亲密的;十分友好的;过于亲近的very friendly with sb, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious
give sb/get a thick ear
打耳光;挨耳光to hit sb/be hit on the head as a punishment
(as) thick as thieves
非常友好;亲密无间;过从甚密very friendly, especially in a way that makes other people suspicious
(as) thick as two short planks
笨得像木头人;笨到极点very stupid
a thick head
(由于疾病或饮酒过量)晕头胀脑,稀里糊涂a physical condition in which your head is painful or you cannot think clearly as a result of an illness or of drinking too much alcohol
your thick head
(认为某人理解慢而恼火)笨脑瓜,木头脑瓜used to show that you are annoyed that sb does not understand sth
a thick skin
厚脸皮;不计较面子the ability to accept criticism, insults, etc. without becoming upset