
美 [sɪk]英 [sɪk]
  • abbr.(=specific inductive capacity)电容率
  • adv.〈外〉原文如此
  • adj.〈英〉同“such”
  • 网络同声传译系统(Simultaneous Interpretation Conference system);计算机科学院(Swedish Institute of Computer Science);切口白内障手术(Snall Incision Cataract Surgery)

过去分词:sicced 现在分词:siccing 第三人称单数:sics



1.(注于引文后,表示原文存在拼写等错误)原文如此written after a word that you have copied from somewhere, to show that you know that the word is wrongly spelled or wrong in some other way

同声传译系统(Simultaneous Interpretation Conference system)

CSD缩写的意思-计算机化标准数据_英文缩写查询 ... EHSDRAM 增强型超高速内存 SICS 同声传译系统 IS 交互信号 ...

计算机科学院(Swedish Institute of Computer Science)

Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS), SwedenDescription: This site is an institutional repository providing access ...

切口白内障手术(Snall Incision Cataract Surgery)

切口白内障手术(SICS)是一种发展中国家常用的白内障手术技巧。这种技巧常常有较好的手术效果,对于大批量白内障手术 …
