1.to remove people or things from a place where they are not wanted; if a place clears, the people in it leave it
2.to remove something that is blocking a place such as a road or passage; to stop being blocked
3.to prove officially that someone did not do something wrong
4.if the sky or the weather clears, the weather becomes brighter and there are no more clouds, rain, etc.
5.to give or obtain official permission for something to happen; to give an airplane, ship, or person permission to enter or leave a place; to obtain permission to enter a country or take something into a country after being checked by officials
6.if a check clears, or if a bank clears it, the bank allows the money to be used
7.if your mind or head clears, or if it is cleared, it stops being confused, tired, or affected by something such as alcohol
8.to earn a particular amount of money after paying taxes, charges, or costs
9.to pay back all of the money that you owe to the person you borrowed it from
10.to go over, under, or past an object without touching it
11.to deal successfully with a problem
12.to do all the work that you have to do
13.if something such as smoke clears, it starts to disappear
14.if a liquid clears, it becomes transparent after being filled with extremely small pieces of a substance
15.if your skin clears, it starts to become smooth and healthy again
16.if someone’s face clears, they stop looking annoyed, upset, or confused