- v.射击;拍摄;投篮;射门
- n.拍摄;摄影;幼苗;嫩芽
- int.做了蠢事或事情出了差错感到懊恼;(让某人把话说出来)说吧
- 网络嫩枝;开枪;吃嫩芽
过去式:shot 第三人称单数:shoots 现在分词:shooting

1.[i][t]开(枪或其他武器);射击;发射to fire a gun or other weapon; to fire sth from a weapon
2.[t]射杀;射伤to kill or wound a person or an animal with a bullet, etc.
3.[t][i]~ (sth)发射(子弹等)to fire bullets, etc.
体育运动for sport
4.[t][i]~ (sth)打猎;狩猎;打(猎物);猎杀to hunt and kill birds and animals with a gun as a sport
快速移动move quickly
5.[i][t](使朝某方向)冲,奔,扑,射,飞驰to move suddenly or quickly in one direction; to make sb/sth move in this way
疼痛of pain
6.[i]剧痛跳窜to move suddenly and quickly and be very sharp
朝向某人direct at sb
7.[t][nopass]突然把…投向to direct sth at sb suddenly or quickly
8.[i][t]拍摄;摄影to make a film/movie or photograph of sth
体育运动in sports
9.[i][t]射门;投篮to try to kick, hit or throw the ball into a goal or to score a point
10.[t](informal)~ sth(在整场比赛中)击出…杆to make a particular score in a complete round or competition
玩游戏play game
11.[t]~ sth玩,打(某种游戏)to play particular games
be/get shot of sb/sth
摆脱;处理to get rid of sb/sth so you no longer have the problems they cause
have shot your bolt
竭尽全力;倾其所有to have used all your power, money or supplies
be like shooting fish in a barrel
易如反掌;探囊取物;手到擒来used to emphasize how easy it is to do sth
shoot the breeze/bull
聊天;闲聊to have a conversation in an informal way
shoot from the hip
轻率应对;鲁莽行事;仓促反应to react quickly without thinking carefully first
shoot yourself in the foot
搬起石头砸自己的脚to do or say sth that will cause you a lot of trouble or harm, especially when you are trying to get an advantage for yourself
shoot it out (with sb)
开枪拼个你死我活;(和…)决一死战to fight against sb with guns, especially until one side is killed or defeated
shoot the messenger
拿报信人出气(而非责备问题的责任人)to blame the person who gives the news that sth bad has happened, instead of the person who is really responsible
shoot your mouth off (about sth)
吹嘘;大吹大擂to talk with too much pride about sth
shoot the rapids
急流划艇to go in a boat over part of a river where the water flows very fast