- n.运气;幸运;好运;侥幸
- v.侥幸成功
- 网络好运气;幸运术;好运赛马

1.好运;幸运;侥幸good things that happen to you by chance, not because of your own efforts or abilities
2.机遇;命运;运气chance; the force that causes good or bad things to happen to people
any luck?
(询问是否成功)运气怎么样used to ask sb if they have been successful with sth
as luck would have it
碰巧;偶然;幸而;不巧in the way that chance decides what will happen
bad, hard, etc. luck (on sb)
(表示同情)运气不佳,不幸used to express sympathy for sb
be down on your luck
因一时不走运而没有钱;穷困潦倒to have no money because of a period of bad luck
the best of luck (with sth)|good luck (with sth)
祝成功;祝好运used to wish sb success with sth
better luck next time
(鼓励未成功的人)祝下次好运used to encourage sb who has not been successful at sth
for luck
图个吉利;为了带来好运because you believe it will bring you good luck, or because this is a traditional belief
good luck to sb
(与己无关而不介意某人的所为)祝某人成功,祝某人走运used to say that you do not mind what sb does as it does not affect you, but you hope they will be successful
just my/sbs luck
(对自己的遭遇并不惊讶)常不走运,就这运气used to show you are not surprised sth bad has happened to you, because you are not often lucky
your/sbs luck is in
交好运;走运used to say that sb has been lucky or successful
the luck of the draw
运气的结果the fact that chance decides sth, in a way that you cannot control
no such luck
(所希望的事情没有发生而失望)没那么走运used to show disappointment that sth you were hoping for did not happen